Tuesday, January 26, 2016

COCO & BAILEY Website is Finally Here!!

I am so excited to say that I finally finished our website!!  Woohoo! Please check it out.  Here is the link.  www.cocoandbailey.com.  You can see our portfolio of events and flowers on there, our future goals, what's trending, our boutique information and very soon shop online.
I can't believe it.  I'm still in shock but so very proud :)
To be honest with you, it has been a year in the making.  
What took me so long?  Well for one thing, I was scared that it wasn't going to be good enough or professional enough or perfect enough or even better..."No one is going to look at my site".  That voice kept creeping up on me every time I would attempt to try it.  You know...that "Voice".  Well, guess what?  I conquered that voice. I realized that voice was my own fears and insecurities.  Everyone keeps asking if we have a website.  How many times can I say it's under construction.  "Under Construction" meant not ready, which I thought led people to believe I was working on it but in fact it bought me time.  Procrastination seems to be more like it.  I need deadlines and when there aren't any and no one is putting pressure on you, well, you tend to put things on the back burner.  We all know when you procrastinate, you miss the opportunity.  In November, when we opened our first store front, that was the match that lit the fire in me.  I finally bit the bullet.  Finally, I was ready to have a website for my business.  So I started by browsing thru so many different templates and web designers.  I was so excited to see so many beautiful ideas and so many talented designers.  Of course the ones I liked were quite costly.  Go figure.  Because of this, I was too nervous to pick anything.  Until, I decided to try it on my own and give it a whirl.  There are so many websites out there that offer simple ways to create your own site and a lot of them are free.  It can't get any simpler than that.  I knew what I liked and what I was looking for.  So, why not try.  After all this time, I told that little voice in my head to shut up and stop making me so nervous and just try.  Try I did!  Guess what?  I had soooooo much fun creating the site!  So much!  I couldn't believe my eyes as it was starting to unfold.  Each page made sense and every thing I looked at became inspiration rather than, "I can't do that"!  It may not be full of bells and whistles but it's exactly how it should be.  Happy, elegant, natural and informative.  There is one thing still missing and that's 
our online shop. I swear it's coming. 
Still working on that.  I won't say "Under Construction".  Lol!  
You're probably wondering what the point to this story is.  Well, here it goes.  You will never know if you don't try and when you do you will be so happy and amazed that you did because there's a whole other world out there to explore and it's not as scary as it seems. In fact, it's better and more beautiful than we could ever imagine. 
We hope you enjoy our site!

Blessings, Love and Sparkles,
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